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Vega College

Vega College

Our Vision, Aims and Values

Our Vision

Our vision is to have 'truly great students in truly great schools'. Our vision is ambitious and is driven by our strategic areas but has our values at its very heart.

Here is our latest video which focuses on our strategic area of 'Character' and we hope you enjoy hearing this directly from pupils and staff:

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In July we shared our video below which outlines our Vision and Values:

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'Truly great students in truly great schools'

Our Aims

Our Aims will provide the framework for growth over the next 3 years across all academies within the Trust. The aims are:

  • To ensure high quality education for the Leger Education Trust community, where our provision is or aspires to be, consistently good or better.
  • To improve the achievement of ALL students across the Trust and ensure consistency across all academies, key stages and subject areas.
  • To ensure the quality of teaching and the curriculum is inspirational and accelerates students learning and progress.
  • To ensure that all students can access high quality education, personal character development opportunities and skills for their next steps.
  • To ensure consistent high quality practice across the Trust, whilst responding to the changing educational landscape and applying it to LET’s context.

Our aims must be the foundation for school improvement. Rapid and sustained improvement occurs through the dedication and hard work of all stakeholders and a complete and relentless pursuit of excellence.  Our journey within Leger Education Trust will be a real challenge and will require honesty, resilience, collaboration and determination. However, this challenge is reflected back in our vision to develop ‘truly great students and truly great schools’.

Our Values

Our Values underpin all that we do towards achieving our vision and shape our core business which is the ‘business of learning’. Students energy, hope and expectations will ensure that they leave the Trust as young adults who are fully prepared to take their place in an ever changing world.

This world requires young people who are well qualified, creative, resilient, entrepreneurial and of well-rounded character.

Our Values are centred around four key themes:

  • Pride
  • Ambition
  • Integrity
  • Responsibility

These values will create a learning environment which will challenge our students to stretch themselves academically, be socially responsible and are ready to make a positive impact on and in our community.

  • Character
  • Culture
  • Currency

We are striving to develop young people who achieve excellent outcomes (currency) at each of the milestones, but do this in a positive, supportive and collaborative school culture.  Uniquely, a key focus of the Trust will be on the character development of the young people ensuring they are well rounded individuals who are ready to take their place in the world. This character will shape their life chances, as well as enhancing their school life and the wider community. Truly great students are those whose currencyculture and character are maximised.